
One of our four bodies is our Spiritual or Light Body.  While living on Earth in this 5th dimension reality, it is important to be mindful of the care and maintenance of all our bodies.  This prayer will provide you with protection from the influences of lower vibration energy sources. These lower vibration energy sources will migrate to a higher energy source in anticipation of being assisted to the next realm of existence.  What you need to know is these lower vibration energies can influence your reality and lower your vibration.  This prayer will immediately remove these lower vibration entities and assist them to the next realm of their existence.

Note: Use daily especially prior to meditating

Prayer of Protection

I surround myself in a circle of light and an armor of love,
in which nothing can remain and
through which nothing can penetrate unlike Divine Love itself.

I call upon my Loved Ones, Mother-Father God
to remove all energies and entities from my presence
whether they are malicious, deterrent, innocent, or ignorant
taking them to the Mother-Father God for Light and liberation.

 The Mother-Father God frees this soul
and frees these energies and entities,
and I AM accepts no reversal, individual or collectively
for the treatment of these energies and entities.

 We thank you in the name of the Living God consciousness.


The Power of the God

The Power of the God

Gods always serve their Goddesses.  It is the God’s role to guide the Goddess.  The Goddess creates with her loving feelings what she feels is the right action to take.  The God oversees what the Goddess is feelings, and with his logical mind, recommends the best way to accomplish her loving feeling ideas. 

The Power of the Goddess

The Power of the Goddess

The Goddess creates with her loving feelings what she feels is the right action to take.  The God oversees what the Goddess is feelings, and with his logical mind, recommends the best way to accomplish her loving feeling ideas.  This works with two souls, Goddess and God, wife and husband.  In an individual soul, it is bringing the heart and mind together in making a decision.

Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge

The metaphor of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge is symbolic of Earth’s life experiences, living life through trial and error to determined what is good for the soul and what is not good.  The soul gathers knowledge through life’s experiences and stores this knowledge into their subconscious mind.  The wise use of knowledge is wisdom.  Wisdom is stored in the soul’s Light Body.  From carnation to carnation the soul is gathering wisdom through life’s experiences.

Who is God

Who is God

All souls are created in the image and likeness of God.  Male and Female he created them.  Each soul has both feminine and masculine aspects within them.  The feminine aspect is connected to the Heart of God, Emotions, and the masculine aspect is connected to the mind...

The Oneness of Creation

The Oneness of Creation

The Angel is giving us a “WAKE UP” call, reminding us of our purpose in this Earth Spiritual Training School.  Primary purpose is training to become a Co-Creator God and secondary, being one with the Oneness of Creation. Earth is a Spiritual Training School,...

Secret to Going to Sleep Quickly

Secret to Going to Sleep Quickly

In this Earth Spiritual Training School, each soul coming to Earth has the gift of Free will, where the soul is free to experience everything in this sensual training school to learn wisdom. The soul’s Guardian Angel and their Spiritual Teachers cannot interfere...

Ascension Symptoms

Ascension Symptoms

The release of negative imprints occurs when the soul is progressing on their final stage of soul development in taking responsibility as a Co-Creator Goddesses or God.  The release of these negative imprints will cause discomfort in the body known as Ascension Symptoms. Read this article to access Prayers to release Ascension Symptoms.

Tantra Teaching

Tantra Teaching

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How to Talk to God?

How to Talk to God?

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Trapped Souls

Trapped Souls

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