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The Galactic Center
The Galactic Center is constantly moving through the expanding Universe, with the orbiting of our solar system locked in its orbit. On 21 December 2012, our solar system completed its orbit around the Galactic Center, a journey of 25,920-years. Completing this orbit...
How to Talk to God?
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, all souls incarnating to Earth are training to become Co-Creator Gods. All souls choose whether to train to become a Co-Creator God or an Angel. Training to become a Co-Creator God is extremely difficult due to the many areas...
Trapped Souls
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, administered by The Golden Ones, Free will is one of the most critical privileges given to a soul incarnating into this Spiritual Training School. Free will allows the soul to experiment with their newly acquired Conscious Mind...
Nibiru – The 10th Planet of Our Solar System
Recently, it has been brought to my attention by The Golden Ones that Earth's Moon is no longer attached to the Earth. Usually, the moon will be connected to the Earth by its gravitational pull and rotate with the Earth as it rotates on its axis. Since the full moon...
Anti-aging Foods
When we pack our diet with anti-aging foods loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats and essential nutrients, our body will show its appreciation. Here are 11 of the best anti-aging foods to nourish your body for longevity.
A Miracle Drink – Water
Water is a powerful miracle drink taken for granted without the drinker completely understanding how the body processes the water. Water, H2O, is two-part Hydrogen and one part oxygen, which forms a liquid for the body's consumption when combined. Most individuals do...
Mastering Your Thinking
Throughout the Universe all thoughts, once completed, will manifest a reality. As we explained previously, the Conscious Mind is the catalyst for formulating a TRUTH; once the TRUTH is completed it passes to the Subconscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind...
What Happens When Death Occurs
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, ALL souls incarnating on Earth are here to train to become a Co-Creator God, fulfilling their soul's desire to serve God. There are many lessons to learn and life experiences through different genders, nationalities, religions,...
The Law of Forgiveness
In this Earth Spiritual Training School it is the soul’s purpose and responsibility to train to become a Co-Creator God. The agenda of this Spiritual Training School means the soul must discipline every thought, word, and deed in every moment. In addition, the soul...
Astrology and Numerology for Soul Development
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, there are many tools available to assist the soul in becoming a Co-Creator God. There are also many obstacles, intentionally created, for the student in training to overcome. Most students do not realize their purpose in life...
Parasites – Creation of Fears, Unhealthy Thoughts, and Haunting Memories
We know it is imperative to keep the body's immunity system strong and healthy to protect us against all types of viruses, bacteria, cancers, and even parasites. We know, if we are not diligent in protecting ourselves, then diseases can invade our bodies. We now...
One World Government and The Golden Age
Your Solar System’s orbit around the Galactic Center is a journey of 25,920 years. As the Solar System orbits the Galactic Center, it passes through many different Dimensions. Each Dimension has a vibrational frequency. The lower the Dimension, the...
Universal Law of Cause and Effect and Channeling Healing Energies
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect teaches a soul, whatever action the Soul expresses towards another, similar action will be expressed to the Soul expressing the initial action. If you love another, love will be expressed towards you. If you abuse, steal, judge...
Law of Cause and Effect and The Prayer of Forgiveness
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect teaches a soul, whatever action the soul expresses to another soul, the same action will be expressed to the soul expressing the initial action. If you love another, love will be expressed towards you. If you abuse, steal, judge...
Making Your Body Alkaline – A Cure for ALL Diseases
Learn why having alkaline body is important based on research of Dr. Otto Warburg and Dr. McBride. Our recipe of Lemon Juice and Baking Soda – a Cure for ALL Diseases.