While Tim was in New Zealand in August 2012, a group of golden-robed light beings joined in one of his private meditation sessions. Before closing the meditation, Tim asked the beings who they were. They indicated they were “The Golden Ones” and they were now returning to Earth to resume their work of bringing in the wisdom for fifth-dimensional teachings. They have been with him ever since.
The Golden Ones were teachers of wisdom before Lemuria sank, prior to the sinking of Atlantis. Once the Earth fell from fifth-dimensional consciousness, the vibration of energy on Earth was not loving enough to sustain the Golden Ones’ teachings. Now that the Earth has moved back to the fifth dimension vibration, the Golden Ones have returned.
The Golden Ones are the Co-Creator Gods who have established the curriculum for the Spiritual Hierarchy Training School on Earth. They are here now to assist all of us who have chosen to come to Earth at this time to advance from being the Masters to Ascended Masters.

This website contains communications and teachings from The Golden Ones to assist us in understanding who we are and our purpose on Earth. They explain the workings of the 5th Dimension and how we can utilize that knowledge in our soul’s journey.
This website is intended for those walking their path and trusting their inner guidance, determined to find answers. The most challenging part is being conscious of our thoughts in every moment, learning to listen to the Divine Wisdom from the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind has orchestrated all our life’s training experiences, and communicates with us in every moment.
The book series, “How to Play the Game of Life” documents the lost teachings of the Golden Ones, who are Co-Creator Gods and the administrators of Earth’s Spiritual Training School. The Galactic Council sanctions the Golden Ones and Earth’s Spiritual Training School.
The Golden Ones have channeled their teaching on the purpose of life for each soul born to Earth. Earth is a Spiritual Training School, and The Golden Ones’ teachings assist the soul in the comprehension of their Path and Ascension to their next level of soul development. You will learn about the Universal Laws and principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the greater good.
“Train with Tim and The Golden Ones in this Earth Spiritual Training School” is an annual membership program. It is meant for helping you develop and perfect the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in every moment on your path by integrating the wonderful, soul-enriching teachings of The Golden Ones.