The Three Minds

by | Spiritual

Our thoughts create our reality. The secret to changing your reality is in knowing how to be both conscious of this and to align our thinking with Universal Mind.

The Universal Mind

The Universal Mind operates in Harmony, Balance, Order and Unity of Oneness for the good of ALL.  When our thinking is in alignment with Universal Mind, our reality will reflect it. Based on the Universal Law of Attraction, our reality is a reflection of our thinking.  If you are not happy with your reality, change your thinking to be conscious that what you desire is in harmony, balance, order and unity of oneness or, in other words, will benefit everyone not just yourself.

The Conscious Mind

There is only One Mind – Universal Mind.  We have our own individual access to this Universal Mind, our own frequency where Universal Mind links to us.  This frequency of Universal Mind contains our entire soul consciousness, what is known as our Akashic Record.  When we are aware and engage reasoning and the five senses, we are analyzing as an individual before we send anything to Universal Mind.  Once we finalize a thought, we submit that thought to our subconscious mind within our own individual frequency of Universal Mind.  We have access to two minds, conscious and subconscious mind within the frequency linked to Universal Mind.  The Conscious mind,  is the “Guardian” of the subconscious mind. In other words, it is the “responsibility” of the conscious mind to make sure only the “Truth” is stored in the subconscious mind. The conscious mind uses the five physical senses and the power of reasoning to interact with the outer world to determine what is true or false.

The Subconscious Mind

The Subconscious Mind, link to Universal Mind is located in our Solar Plexus and is constantly processing all our “Truths”. It determines what we believe IS our reality. It is through our subconscious mind, which is constantly interacting with Universal Mind, that allows our thoughts to manifest. Our subconscious mind is the ”CAUSE” and the Universal Mind is the “EFFECT”. Our subconscious mind does not discern whether the thought it is manifesting in our life is a TRUTH for us. That is not a responsibility of the subconscious mind.

The Truth stored in each individual’s subconscious mind is their “personal truth” and may differ from Universal Truth.

Try the Third Eye Chakra exercise to help you to become more aware of the visual thoughts which are constantly flowing through your conscious mind. These visual thoughts happen so fast, we are typically not aware of them.

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