The Co-Creator God

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The Co-Creator Goddess

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The Chakras

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Retrograde Mercury

Retrograde Mercury

Planet Mercury, the Closest Planet to the Sun, goes Retrograde every 88 days. Retrograde in a sense, Mercury’s path around the Sun travels behind the Earth’s path based on a comparison of Mercury’s elliptical path to Earth’s path. This video explains the...


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Universal Laws

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Perfect Health

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Archangel Lucifer

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Crystalline DNA

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The Universal Mind

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Moon Signs

Moon Signs

All 12 astrological constellations are assigned to a particular Astrological House of the soul. The characteristics of that constellation will influence the life experiences of the soul. The location of the Sun, Moon, and planets of the Solar System in these...

The Subconscious Mind

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The Conscious Mind

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The Soul’s Light Body

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The Power of the God

The Power of the God

Earth is a Spiritual Training School, sanctioned by the Galactic Council, and administered by the Co-Creator Gods, THE GOLDEN ONES.  When a soul comes to Earth, the soul receives a conscious mind, subconscious mind, and a physical body.  The physical body is...
The Power of the Goddess

The Power of the Goddess

Earth is a Spiritual Training School, sanctioned by the Galactic Council, and administered by the Co-Creator Gods, THE GOLDEN ONES.  When a soul comes to Earth, the soul receives a conscious and subconscious mind, and the physical body becomes the gateway for all...
Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge

Earth is a Spiritual Training School, sanctioned by the Galactic Council, and administrated by the Co-Creator Gods, THE GOLDEN ONES.  When a soul reaches the pinnacle point of soul development, the soul has a chose to train as either an Angel or a Co-Creator God. ...
Characteristics of Each Constellation

Characteristics of Each Constellation

The Zodiac, in Western Astrology, is a group of 12 constellations. Each constellation has a group of stars with their own characteristics and influences the soul with these characteristics. When the soul’s time of birth is within a constellation, that constellation...
Who is God

Who is God

All souls are created in the image and likeness of God.  Male and Female he created them.  Each soul has both feminine and masculine aspects within them.  The feminine aspect is connected to the Heart of God, Emotions, and the masculine aspect is connected to the mind...
The Oneness of Creation

The Oneness of Creation

The Angel is giving us a “WAKE UP” call, reminding us of our purpose in this Earth Spiritual Training School.  Primary purpose is training to become a Co-Creator God and secondary, being one with the Oneness of Creation. Earth is a Spiritual Training School,...

Empower Your Life Show with Cindy Marie

Experiencing the repetitive cycle of life that you feel it’s going nowhere, you don’t know what and why we human beings are all here on this planet earth? If you’re looking deeper and curious about finding or remembering your purpose in life, hear...

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