The Golden Ones have channeled their teaching on the purpose of life for each soul born to Earth. Earth is a Spiritual Training School, and The Golden Ones’ teachings will assist the soul in the comprehension of their Path and Ascension to their next level of soul development. You will learn about the Universal Laws and principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the greater good.
Intuitively and instinctually, ALL life forms are guided by the Heart of God, the feminine aspect of God. When souls come to Earth, their objective is to master the masculine aspect of God, the Creation process. When a soul reaches their pinnacle point of soul development, they are given the opportunity to either train as an Angel or come to Earth and train as a Co-Creator God. Within your Universe, there are billions of galaxies, and each galaxy has billions of solar systems. Each solar system has a multitude of planets, and each planet has the possibility of having inhabitants. God requires Co-Creator Gods as overseers in all his kingdoms.
The feminine aspect of God is in each soul’s subconscious mind and is in the Solar Plexus of the soul, their feeling body. The masculine aspect of God is the conscious mind and is in the gateway in the brain of the soul’s body. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge is a metaphor for souls who are learning wisdom through trial and error during their life experiences. This is part of God’s creation process, which has the soul using their conscious mind—Free Will—to discern right from wrong, and to align their thoughts and feelings with the Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the good of ALL.
A soul’s journey in becoming a Co-Creator God may last thousands of years, through many incarnations, experiencing life experiences in both genders and many nationalities. This allows the soul to experience both the feminine and masculine aspects of God, analyzing life’s experience through trial and error to discern wisdom. Through their soul’s journey, the soul will experience the three main training aspects of becoming a Co-Creator God.
The first aspect is overcoming the Egoic aspect of the soul. This aspect is where the soul must overcome and discipline their sensual nature of satisfying everything for themself at the expense of others, and that includes greed, corruption, theft, and the physical and sexual abuse of others.
The next aspect for the soul to overcome on their soul’s journey is the aspect of Spiritual Man. This aspect is where pleasing their sensual nature no longer satisfies their soul’s development.
Spiritual Man is now interested in the higher aspect of the soul’s development, through meditation, astrology, numerology, paying attention to and trusting their feelings and identifying with their divinity through the Heart of God. The soul shows compassion for others and is more involved with family and community activities to improve social relationships. As the Spiritual Man develops, their intuitive Nature develops, reconnecting with the Heart of God, disciplining their thinking, and listening to God’s thoughts.
Eventually, the soul’s journey leads them to a path of aligning their thoughts (the Mind of God) and their feelings (the Heart of God) with the Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the good of ALL and the ONENESS of Creation. In this aspect of the Co-Creator God, the soul takes on the Consciousness of God by accepting others as they are, using no judgment of self and others, not desiring anything worldly, and being of service in whatever capacity God chooses for the soul.
Train with Tim and The Golden Ones in this Earth Spiritual Training School by Subscribing to the membership program. The classes will be guided by The Golden Ones discussing all topics relating to the Creation of the soul to the Ascension of the Soul.
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