Cause of ALL Disease

by | Spiritual

There are 7 major Energy Centers positioned throughout the human body to receive the Life Force energy from Creation.  These seven energy centers are called Chakras and radiate the Life Force energy within the designated area of each Chakra.  These Chakras are the Crown Chakra at the top of the head, the third eye chakra located in the center of the forehead.  The throat chakra located in the center of the throat. The heart chakra located in the center of the upper chest.  The solar Plexus chakra locate above the navel.  The sacral chakra located between the solar plexus chakra and the root chakra and the root chakra, located at the base of the spine.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the location of the Subconscious Mind and contains all the believed truths, fears, and wisdom of the soul.

When the souls thoughts, desires and feelings are in alignment with Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all, the Life Force flows with ease throughout each Chakras and sustaining life and energizes the human body.

When the souls thoughts, desires and feelings are not in alignment with Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the good of all, there is a dis ease in the flowing of the Life Force flowing through particular chakras.  Depending on the thoughts, desires and feelings determines which chakra is affected and to what degree.

All Souls on Earth are in spiritual training to become a Co-Creator God and are being trained through life’s experiences to align their thoughts, desires, and feelings in accordance with Universal Laws and Principles.  In doing so, the Life Force will continue to flow with ease and eventually there is no need for the soul to experience the birth-death-rebirth cycle.

Souls who are unaware of their purpose in life or who have a difficult time accepting their role as a trainee in becoming a Co-Creator God, live in a reality of a separation from the Oneness of Creation.  Living in this reality being separated from the Oneness of Creation, prevents these souls from embracing the challenges of life experiences as a learning opportunity for soul development.  It also prevents the soul from using their God gifts in service and for their creative desires in self-realization and manifestation.

Thoughts and feelings of fear will affect the chakra, especially the root chakra.  The root chakra brings the Life Force energy of the Mother Earth, up through the feet to the root chakra.  The root chakra is identified with self-esteem, and confidence.  Discomfort in knees and lower back indicates a lack of support for self.  Concerns regarding retirement, lack of education and wealth will also affect the Life Force from energizing the Root Chakra.  The inability to express your love may affect the Heart Chakra.  Speaking lies and belittlement of others will affect the throat chakra.

These ailments and dis ease are not meant to punish the soul but to educate the soul of their in ability of conforming to Universal Laws and Principles and their responsibility in aligning their thoughts, desires, and feelings in supporting the Oneness of Creation and all life forms created by God.

What appears to be insignificant subtle animosity thoughts and feelings are extremely detrimental to the well being of the soul.  It is extremely vital for the soul to discipline their thoughts and feelings in every moment for soul development and eventually soul Ascension.

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