Kundalini Yoga

by | Health

Kundalini  is the energy of awareness. The awakening of the Kundalini is required to navigate our lives in the Aquarian Age. You will learn the dynamic technology of how to awaken the Kundalini. Everyone needs this information and few have it.   As a certified Kundalini yoga instructor, I will be able to share with others how to thrive in the Aquarian Age.

Kundalini Yoga prepares the body to access, hold and ground the higher frequencies of spiritual energies that are infusing the planet. It strengthens the nervous and immune systems and causes the glandular system to secrete properly so that our mind and heart awaken to our soul. The beauty of Kundalini yoga and meditation, is that it aligns our body, mind and emotions. We can take advantage of the innate capacities of our human mechanism, to guide the journey of our soul.

Kundalini-Kryia – The Ten Bodies

Start each Kundalini Yoga Kryia with the following mantra (Take three long deep breaths and on the third exhale, recite the mantra followed by two more long deep breaths and the recital of the mantra on the exhale):

ONG NA MO GURU DEV NA MO which means: I bow to the created consciousness, I bow to the teacher of Divine Wisdom.

End each Kundalini Yoga Kryia with the following mantra (Take three long deep breaths and on the third, exhale and recite the mantra followed by two more long deep breaths and the recital of the mantra on the exhale):

Sat Nam which means, Truth is my identity.

Ten Body Kryia

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