Making Your Body Alkaline – A Cure for ALL Diseases

by | Health

Average ratio of acid to alkaline is approximately 7.2.  Anything below 7.0 is considered acid and above 7.2 is considered alkaline.  No disease, cancer or virus can live in an alkaline environment. 

PH Strips & Alkaline Body

PH Strips are a quick and easy way to determine the Alkalinity of the body.  Why is this so important? An alkaline body will keep the body free from ALL diseases. With a PH Strip, within a minute, you will be able to determine whether your body is acidic or alkaline.

Remove one strip, place it in the mouth and wait one minute.  Remove the PH Strip from the mouth and compare the results of the PH Strip to the chart which will indicate your PH Level in the body.

Nobel Prize Winner – Dr. Otto Warburg

Dr. Otto Warburg, the winner of the Nobel Prize in 1931, discovered that cancer cells are not fueled by oxygen as normal cells are. The high levels of oxygen that are found in healthy, alkaline bodies are toxic to cancers.

He found that cancers get their energy from sugars and a process of fermentation in acidic environments. He proved empirically the relationship between cancers, acidic body pH, and cellular oxygen starvation. His findings demonstrated that cancers are merely a symptom of acidosis, and therefore it is impossible to truly cure any cancer without first curing the underlying acidosis (an excessively acid condition of the body fluids or tissues).

Here is what Dr. McBride, of Holistic Dentistry, is saying..

Acidosis and our Immune System

Acidosis is now being shown to be related to an over-taxed immune system, for it is known that in sickness, the human body is always acidic. The orthodox establishment considers acidosis to be a symptom of whatever disease happens to be present, instead of considering that acidosis could be the root cause of multiple disease states. The utter lack of success in curing cancers may be due in part to a fundamental misunderstanding of these relationships.

A Mixture of Lemon Juice and Baking Soda – a Cure for ALL Diseases.

A quick way to increase the alkalinity level within the body is to consume a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. 

lemon juice and baking soda

A mixture of 1/2 squeezed lemon juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 10 ounces of water.

This POWERFUL Alkaline mixture raises the PH level in the body from an Acid environment to an Alkaline environment immediately.

This mixture will maintain perfect health in the body when consumed daily.  Diseases cannot live in an alkaline environment. This is the same technique in maintaining a bacteria-free swimming pool with clear water.  If your body is in a disease state, several drinks may be required to raise the Alkalinity in the body.

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